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TERAJU Establishes Presence in East Malaysia

Kuching, 6th March 2012: RM100million will be allocated from TERAJU’s RM2billon facilitation fund to develop initiatives in Sarawak. This allocation was announced by YB Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, at the launch of JEJAK 2012 in Kuching this morning. JEJAK 2012 was launched in Kuching by YAB Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib bin Mahmud, Chief Minister of Sarawak. Also at the launch this morning were; Chief Executive Officer of TERAJU, En Husni Salleh; Encik Borhan Sidek, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, SME Corporation Malaysia; Datuk Hj Abang Helmi Ikhwan, Chairman, Gabungan Usahawan Bumiputera Sarawak; representatives from the Sarawak state government, local government agencies, NGOs and industry leaders from the across the state.

JEJAK 2012 is an initiative by the Unit Peneraju Agenda Bumiputera (TERAJU) and has been designed to reach out to entrepreneurs across the nation. JEJAK 2012 will provide an interactive communication channel between TERAJU and local businesses nationwide. TERAJU is expanding its regional presence and with JEJAK 2012 will establish a presence within each of the 5 regional economic corridors

Speaking to the media at the event, En Husni Salleh said “TERAJU’s mandate is to lead, coordinate and drive Bumiputera participation in the national economy. To do this, we have various initiatives in place that will help spur the Bumiputera economy that we want to communicate to entrepreneurs across Malaysia. TERAJU has embarked on a nationwide roadshow – JEJAK 2012 began in Penang and is now in Kuching. This roadshow and initiatives will help create a more conducive interaction channel between TERAJU and entrepreneurs nationwide”.

Husni added that TERAJU was keen to develop Bumiputera businesses in each region with the hope that eventually each region would be competitive and set its own benchmarks to spur business development and that this will eventually lead to greater Bumiputera participation in the national economy.

The event also witnessed the official launch of TERAJU@SARAWAK, part of the recently launched TERAJU@Koridor initiative. This initiative will see TERAJU establishing a presence within each of the 5 economic regions across Malaysia, with the first centre (TERAJU@NCER) being launched in Penang on the 3rd of March. The first centre in East Malaysia will be TERAJU@SARAWAK, which will be based in Kuching and similar centres will subsequently be established in Johor Baru (Iskandar Region), Kota Kinabalu (SDC) & Kuantan(ECER).

Husni said “The main reason for TERAJU@Koridor is to give TERAJU local presence. It will be a two way interaction – TERAJU will learn from each region the needs and wants of the particular area and in turn TERAJU’s programmes – like TeraS, Facilitation Fund, Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera & Skim Jejak Jaya Bumiputera (SJJB) – will be more accessible to entrepreneurs there. Each centre will offer localized support, staffed by local officers who already have a strong grasp of key markets in that particular area”. Husni went on to say that TERAJU were looking into developing key economic sectors in the region and had identified key potential sectors for greater Bumiputera participation. According to Husni,

TERAJU have conducted comprehensive studies of the state’s economy and growth potentials. “Working with various local agencies, we have identified several key sectors that are rife for development. The key potential areas are: Wholesale & Retail; Tourism; Food Industry; Industrialized Building Systems (IBS) and Renewable Energy” he added. TERAJU will collaborate with various Entrepreneur Development Organisations (EDOs), Industrial Development Organisations (IDOs) and Developmental Finance Institutions (DFIs) such as MARA, TEKUN, PUNB, SME Bank and PNS to ensure that entrepreneurs have the complete tools to develop their businesses.

Speaking at the event, the Chief Minister commended TERAJU on its TeraS programme which to date has managed to attract a total of 80 companies. TERAJU’s TeraS programme aims to identify high performing Bumiputera companies with good potential for growth over the next 5 years, and help them grow beyond local markets, through merit-based access to business opportunities. Through this outreach programme also, TERAJU in collaboration with other agenciesin the state will identify more companies to be included in TeraS.

This programme was designed to help accelerate the growth of competitive Bumiputera companies across all 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs). To this end, TERAJU will work with various government agencies, GLCs and the private sector to facilitate business opportunities, and facilitate enablers such as talent and funding options. A total of 1,100 companies are expected to be identified by 2013.

Adding to this, Husni went on to speak about another TERAJU initiative called Prosper TeraS. “Prosper TeraS is a joint initiative between TERAJU and PUNB, which was put in place to assist Bumiputera entrepreneurs in the retail industry. We are very pleased with the progress this programme has made here in Sarawak as to date; we already have 5 participants in various towns across the state”. He added that there was a vast potential for development of Bumiputera businesses in the state. He urged entrepreneurs to learn more about TERAJU’s initiatives and programmes that will help them develop their businesses and perhaps venture into regional and international markets.

The event also witnessed the exchange of a Memorandum of Understanding between Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera (YPPB) and the recently launched TEGAS (Tabung Ekonomi Gagasan Anak Bumiputera Sarawak). This strategic collaboration will see both organisations working towards increasing the number of Bumiputera professionals,semi-professionals, support & general workers to support the planned development of the state.


The setting up of Teraju was announced by the Prime Minister YAB Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak on Tuesday 8 Febuary, 2011, to lead, coordinate and drive Bumiputera economic participation through existing and new initiatives and to propose institutional reform, to increase effectiveness.

Teraju will undertake strategic alignment of the resources of the government and its agencies. It has been introduced as a “Game Changer” to strengthen and empower the Bumiputera Development Agenda.

Its ultimate aim is to enable the Bumiputera community to seize opportunities and equally benefit from rapid economic growth.

Teraju‟s focus will be on the following areas:

  • entrepreneurship & wealth creation
  • Funding
  • Education & employment
  • Institutional & policy instrument review
  • stakeholder management

Teraju also acts as the Secretariat for the “Majlis Tertinggi Agenda Bumiputera” (“MTAB”)(Bumiputera Agenda Supreme Council) and the Skim Jejak Jaya Agenda Bumiputera (SJJB).