Evolution of the Bumiputera Development Agenda in Malaysia


Evolution of Bumiputera Development Agenda in Malaysia

The Bumiputera development agenda in Malaysia has undergone several significant phases of transformation since its inception. This journey reflects the government’s ongoing commitment to empowering the Bumiputera community within the broader context of national development. The Bumiputera Agenda Action Council (MTAB) marked an important starting point in coordinating Bumiputera development. Chaired by the Prime Minister, MTAB was mandated to oversee Bumiputera development, with the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) under the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM) acting as its secretariat. On February 8, 2011, a significant transformation occurred when MTAB was rebranded as the Bumiputera Agenda Action Council. Along with this change, the Bumiputera Agenda Steering Unit (TERAJU) was established as a dedicated secretariat, replacing the role of EPU. This step marked the beginning of a new era in advancing the Bumiputera agenda with greater focus and organization. The evolution of the Bumiputera agenda coordination structure continued with the transition of MTAB to the Bumiputera Economic Council (MEB) on September 14, 2013. This change reflected an increased commitment to Bumiputera economic empowerment.

On April 14, 2015, TERAJU’s status was further strengthened when it was officially recognized as a legitimate agency under the Prime Minister’s Department (JPM). This recognition outlined TERAJU’s important role in driving the Bumiputera agenda. The Economic Action Council (EAC) meeting on July 14, 2020, marked another important milestone. TERAJU was empowered as the main coordinating body, responsible for overseeing the implementation of comprehensive Bumiputera social economic policies and strategies. This included the establishment of a robust and up-to-date socio-economic database to ensure data-driven policy planning. The EAC also confirmed the establishment of the Bumiputera Prosperity Council (MKB), chaired by the Prime Minister, as the main platform for enhancing Bumiputera socio-economic development.

On January 20, 2023, TERAJU was officially transferred from the Prime Minister’s Department to the Ministry of Economy. This change was formalized through the Federal Government Gazette under the Federal Government Ministers’ Order 2023 (P.U (A) 27). The Mid-Term Review of the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (MTR 12MP) announced by Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Anwar Ibrahim on September 11, 2023, set the future direction for the Bumiputera agenda. He called for a comprehensive review of TERAJU’s role and functions to confirm its position as the main coordinating agency for the Bumiputera agenda. This initiative is detailed in Chapter 6: Building an Inclusive and More Resilient Society; Strategy E1: Strengthening Service Delivery, which aims to strengthen the roles of agencies entrusted with the Bumiputera agenda and the Bumiputera Agenda Empowerment Unit.

The evolution of the Bumiputera development agenda coordination in Malaysia demonstrates the government’s ongoing commitment to empowering the Bumiputera community. Through various structural transformations and mandate strengthening, TERAJU now plays a crucial role as the main coordinating body in driving this agenda. With ongoing reviews and restructuring, Malaysia strives to ensure the Bumiputera agenda remains relevant and effective in the context of increasingly challenging national development.

Timeline of Empowering Bumiputera Economic